When buying a condo in the Inkerman, PA area, you should review your insurance options. Condo insurance was designed to protect the unit’s owner and not the condominium association. Contact the professional and courteous insurance agents from the Tyson Agency for help navigating the complexities of purchasing condo insurance policies.

Condo Insurance Inclusions

Condo insurance was created to protect against liability claims, and the loss of use in the case damages cause the condo unit to become uninhabitable. Condo insurance was specifically designed to provide insurance coverage to the interior of the unit. The exterior of a condo will have protections through the condominium association’s insurance plan.

Personal liability coverage is usually standard with condo insurance policies. The coverage helps pay any costs associated with a guest who is injured while visiting the condo. Personal property coverage under a condo insurance policy will protect any belongings such as electronics, appliances, and furniture if they are damaged or stolen. The interior of your condo can also be protected under your policy when damaged due to covered perils. For instance, the policy may offer protection if the walls or flooring of the unit is ruined due to a storm or fire.

Condo Insurance Exclusions

Condo insurance is separate from policies that cover the exterior of the unit. Any common areas of a complex wouldn’t be a part of a condo insurance policy. Common areas include walkways, laundry room, courtyard, the roof, and elevators. As an example, the condo association would need to have a policy for protection if someone is injured because of a fall on the walkway leading to your unit.

Get in touch with the Tyson Agency serving the Inkerman, PA area for condo insurance quotes. An agent will help you choose a policy that’s just right for you.